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Support Conservation Organisations Protecting and Restoring
the UK's Ancient & Veteran Trees and Woodlands


Woodland Trust

The Woodland Trust is the UK's largest woodland conservation charity,,


The Woodland Trust maintains ownership of over 1,000 sites covering over 24,700 hectares (247 km2). 33% of which is ancient woodland. 


The Woodland Trust aims: to protect ancient woodland which is rare, unique and irreplaceable as welll as restore damaged ancient woodland. It also maintains the UK Ancient Tree Inventory with over 190,000 trees recorded. 

Northumbria Veteran Tree Project

The aim of this project is to identify, map and celebrate Ancient, veteran, heritage and notable trees across the regions of Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland. By so doing they will help to conserve and protect these trees for generations to come 


They work actively with a range of partner organisations including The Woodland Trust and Ancient Tree Forum



Ancient Tree Forum

Ancient trees are a vital and treasured part of our natural and cultural landscape, and Britain may have the greatest number of ancient trees in northern Europe.


The Ancient Tree Forum, seeks to secure the long term future of these ancient ecosystems through promoting best management and conservation practice and lobbying governments over their recognition and protection.



Wokingham Veteran
Tree Association

WDVTA is working to ensure that Wokingham's veteran and other significant trees are properly identified, protected and managed - and to increase public awareness of their beauty and contribution to the town's heritage and amenity.


As of August 2023 they had recorded 8559 veteran trees in the wider Wokingham District in Berkshire, 



Ancient Yew Group

The Ancient Yew Group finds, records and preserves Britain's ancient and veteran yew trees...the world's greatest collection of Yew trees. It is run entirely by volunteers.


The group records these Yew trees in a  national database that is free to use and assists in the preservation of these historic and irreplaceable trees. . 







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