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Support Conservation Organisations Protecting and Restoring
the UK's Temperate Atlantic Rainforests 


Woodland Trust

The Woodland Trust is the UK's largest woodland conservation charity,  


The Woodland Trust maintains ownership of over 1,000 sites covering over 24,700 hectares (247 km2). 33% of which is ancient woodland. Nine of those sites is temperate rainforest across England, Wales and Scotland 


To ensure a secure future for this rare habitat, long-term management is essential. They have already achieved much at the woods they own and care for in the west coast rainforest zone, but there is still a great deal more to do.




The RSPB is largest wildlife conservation charity in Europe and maintains more than 170 nature reserves in the UK, 18 of which are classified as woodland reserves, .


RSPB Scotland's newest nature reserve is an amazing slice of Scotland's Rainforest. Glencripesdale in Morvern. They aim to start a 'Saving Morvern’s Rainforest' project which will focus on 850 hectares of native rainforest restoration, and the removal of invasive rhododendron. 


They are also involved in the Celtic Rainforests Wales project, in which non-native invasive plants will be removed while careful grazing will be introduced to a number of sites.



Devon Wildlife Trust

Devon Wildlife Trust  both manages existing rainforest in the Dart Valley and is developing rainforest on a 75 acree site on the edge of the Valley at Bowden Pillars Farm near Totnes  .


Tree species include sessile oak, birch, rowan, holly, alder, willow and hazel. They are home to stoats and pine martens, and threatened birds like wood warblers, redstarts, and pied flycatchers. Wet conditions support an abundance of mosses, liverworts, lichens, ferns and fungi

Alliance for Scotland's Rainforests

The Alliance is a voluntary partnership of 25 organisations that are all committed to collaborative action for the benefit of Scotland's rainforest. 


By 2045, they want all of Scotland’s rainforest to be restored, and its size doubled, 


The mosaic of woodland and other habitats that make up the wider rainforest will be bigger and in better condition; more vital and regenerating; the best sites will be expanded and re-connected to each other to allow the spread of wildlife and diversity of 

 the trees, shrubs and flora and fauna





Plantlife is a British conservation charity working nationally and internationally to save threatened wild flora . They own nearly 4,500 acres of nature reserve across England, Scotland and Wales, which includes woodland. They have 11,000 members and supporters


Their team of dedicated conservation experts work with landowners, businesses, conservation organisations, community groups and governments to save the UK's rarest flora. This includes working to protect the long-term future. of Britain's Temperate Rainforests along the Atlantic Coasts of England, Wales and Scotland 


Celtic Rainforests Wales

These rainforests in Wales are currently in an unfavorable condition and are continuing to deteriorate. The spread of Rhododendron is primarily responsible for the deterioration. Other factors are over or under grazing, lack of management and atmospheric nitrogen pollution.


The group's main aim is to improve the habitat within these woodlands, which is host to 1000;s of other species, by removing invasive plants and not-native tree species, that threaten the woodlands.


The public can assist in this as volunteers either in practical woodland management tasks or being a rainforest recorder  

Argyll and the Isles Coast & Countryside Trust

Half of what remains of Scotland’s rainforest can be found in Argyll & Bute. Sites such as Glasdrum, Glen Nant & Taynish NNR’s, Knapdale & Tarbet woods SSSI/SAC’s and Ballachuan hazel woods are some of the finest examples of remnant temperate rainforest in all of Europe. 


These patches of rainforest need to be restored, expanded and reconnected and acutely in Argyll & Bute, commercial monoculture woodlands need to be diversified to enable us to create a bigger, better, more connected and functioning ecosystem.




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